English to Lithuanian Meaning of contour - kontūras

Contour :


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Definitions of contour in English
Noun(1) a line drawn on a map connecting points of equal height(2) any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline(3) a feature (or the order or arrangement of features
Verb(1) form the contours of
Examples of contour in English
(1) Yet the map shows a broad swathe of relatively flat land skirting the foothills of the mountain at the 100ft / 33m contour , and extending up to Bundoran.(2) For instance, on the excellent piano-driven waltz ÔÇÿIrish Elk,ÔÇÖ he just seems to be singing without any sense of melodic contour , and he fails to deliver a convincing hook.(3) The teacher then modulated the intonational contour until it corresponded to the first syllables of the word paleontologist.(4) Surgeons have advanced in technique to shape and contour the deeper facial tissues and resuspend them.(5) Does the contour of their accented tongues create a particular Hispanic laugh pattern?(6) In Korn's unfortunate sentence, where the ambiguities are structural, a skilled speaker could easily signal the desired analysis by differences in timing, pitch contour and voice quality.(7) below the 1200-ft contour is a belt of limestone(8) The contour of the song from order to disorder isn't exactly revolutionary, but the change is gradual enough not to be obvious on the first couple of listens.(9) Dialogues varying only in their intonation contour (specifically in pitch accent or boundary tone) were presented in a random order to 47 speakers of Midwestern American English.(10) Each sentence we speak has a pitch contour associated with it that can be broken down into smaller sequences of elementary contours associated with linguistic phenomena.(11) the movement tends to place more emphasis on rhythm than melodic contour(12) The outer edge is being cut to contour and then rolled into shape.(13) Regardless of the words, it seems the melodic contour of the song describes the nature of the land over which the song passes.(14) These spheres are then used to compute a three-dimensional density map which, when contoured , defines the surface of the gap region.(15) It's the shapes rather than the contours which attract us in Piero's painting.(16) The propulsive contours Liszt assigns to the left hand all but vanished, thus attenuating texture and the work itself of its internecine dramas.
Related Phrases of contour
(1) contour line ::
(2) contour lines ::
(3) contour map ::
kontūras žemėlapis
(4) contour interval ::
kontūras intervalas
1. outline ::
2. contour line ::
3. form ::
Different Forms
contour, contoured, contouring, contours
English to Lithuanian Dictionary: contour

Meaning and definitions of contour, translation in Lithuanian language for contour with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of contour in Lithuanian and in English language.

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What contour means in Lithuanian, contour meaning in Lithuanian, contour definition, examples and pronunciation of contour in Lithuanian language.

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